“Prevention is better than Cure“

Every body is very busy in their modern life style. Society is changing, accordingly life style changing rapidly to catch up the modern society/Environment. People are stressed physically & Mentally. Stress level are different based on work nature and environment. But Are we taking care of our self? Do you have time to think about YOU? Do you ever feel peace in mind? Yes, there are various ways of handling stress and day to day challenges. Yoga is one of the proven ways of life to achieve health, peace and happiness within YOU.

What is concept of Yoga?

The great Sage Patanjali, in his prominent treatise on Yoga – ‘Yoga Sutras‘, declares in the very second line of this exposition, “Yoga is the annihilation of the Mind,” i.e. ‘Yoga Chittha Vritthi Nirodhaha‘. This reflects the ultimate state that Yoga aims for, Samadhi.

The Samadhi state is where the mind comes to a complete stillness. One can experience their true nature which is ‘Pure Energy’ in that state.

Trillions of cells in the body heal, rejuvenate and reenergize in this state of stillness and peace. Yoga is to live this state of union with Pure Energy. This Pure energy is already there in us but we are unable to access it because of our wavering mind and its associated vices.

True Yoga is the realization of our true nature, our Pure Energy and living life in a state of pure bliss while performing our everyday actions.

Yoga does not just mean ‘Asanas or Praanayama’. Asanas and Praanayama are only one of the steps prescribed by Patanjali to attain the ultimate state. Actually, Patanjali prescribed eight limbs in his Yoga Sutras, also called ‘Ashtanga Yoga’ which includes a set of rules, regulations and practices one needs to follow to attain this state of union. One of the most important steps is the Purification of the Mind and eliminating vices and vasanas (conditioned patterns and attitudes of the mind). Pure Stillness can be attained when the Mind is purified.

What is Sookshma Yoga & benefits?

Sookshma is an ancient healing program designed by Master. Master Sunita extracted all the ancient wisdom she imbibed from her journey of self-discovery and pack-aged it into a small, subtle micro capsule called ‘Sookshma’, tailor made for a modern hectic life style. She says, ‘Yes, there are many rules, rituals and regulations from ancient times, many paths to care for the self, but no one follows them sincerely because everyone is busy and has no time to properly care for themselves in this day and age’.

Sookshma helps one to attain the highest state of Yoga described above called ‘Samadhi’ very easily for Wellness, Fullness and Oneness. In this state of Pure Stillness, trillions of cells in the body heal, rejuvenate and reenergize; Mind experiences complete stillness and Pure Bliss. We experience our true nature Pure Energy/ Soul/Spirit/Atman.

Sookshma achieves this state of stillness expounded by Sage Patanjali, the annihilation of the Mind with ease. This is truly a marvel.

Steps of Sookshma:

  • Sookshma Program has very simple kriyas (exercises) that can be done by anyone and any age group.
  • Master helps remove our layers of vices, accumulations and attitudes and reveals the Pure Energy.
  • Master absorbs all the suffering and pain of people who are taking the session and giving relief to them.

Results of Sookshma:

  • Wellness – Overall Super Health – heals many diseases; ageing slows down; gives super glow.
  • Fullness – Always in Pure Bliss – Full of energy and positive thoughts always, No conflicts with anyone
  • Oneness – Experiencing Oneness in all – No delusion of body and mind – No suffering in life – Pure Love for all

You can dial into many videos of Sookshma program and Master Sunita here:

Please visit www.peacetree.ca or www.sunita.ca or www.sookshma.ca for more information about Sookshma and Master Sunita.