Maasahayam Foundation is a new start-up non-profit non-governmental organisation dedicated to welfare and development of disadvantaged communities with focus on the underprivileged children. Inspired by the ideas, passion and vision of Late Sri. Vodnala Ramayya gaaru, an educationist of Telangana state in India, of an inclusive and just society, a group of individuals associated with him, have come forward and set up Maasahayam to institutionalise his ideas and aspirations and translate into action. Maasahayam is registered under Telangana Societies Registration, 2001.

Our Vision

We envision a society that is just and inclusive and free of discrimination & upholds the rights of children and women irrespective of caste, Religion & colour.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower the rural and urban disadvantaged communities with focus on children to realise their potential and lead a dignified a life.

Our Objectives

  • To provide support for the education of the poor & needy children in villages and urban slums of Telangana state
  • To work for betterment of lives of Street Children, Mentally Retarded Children and the Physically Disabled children including providing safety
  • To undertake projects for prevention, protection, rescue and rehabilitation of child labor
  • To provide support to children in difficult circumstances including children trafficked for labor or commercial sex.
  • To improve the health and nutrition status of the people in rural and urban settings especially of the poor and marginalised
  • To promote and protect the rights of children
  • To undertake Social Awareness programs like Health, Sanitation, Environment, Road safety both in Rural & Urban areas.
  • To promote social integration for a better community living.
  • To conduct and boost up developmental activities for the needy of the community irrespective of caste, creed to their physical, mental, moral, emotional and overall development of social, economic, rehabilitation.
  • To conduct training programs for various stakeholders including communities to further the objectives of the Society
  • To conduct health awareness programs and medical camps in operational areas of the Society
  • To conduct research for social policy formulation and program development
  • To design and implement programs for Tribal Development
  • To undertake projects for women and child welfare and development.
  • To undertake programs on Water development, Climate Change, Environment, Agriculture and Natural Resource Management.
  • To provide livelihood support to the poor and marginalized individuals, groups and communities
  • To support activities for Promotion, Protection, Preservation of cultural heritage.
  • To conduct legal aid programs, conduct legal awareness camps and conduct legal literacy camps.
  • To document the best practices of community development for wider dissemination and replication
  • To conduct research in the areas of interest to the organization that further the objectives of the Society.